Tegomasu, come back!

Här är ännu ett fint litet blogginlägg som ingen egentligen behöver bry sig om, då det ingår i våran lilla grej att få hit popduon igen!

The 2009 Tegomass Come Back Meme

1. Why do you want Tegomass to come back to Sweden in 2009?
Because it was really fun when they came last time, it made me so happy to get to see a part of NEWS and Johnny's here in Sweden, and I really would like them to come back and see them again.

2. If you were to promote Tegomass to those poor people who are not fans yet, what kind of slogan would you use? What would you write on your notebook, or shout out to puzzled passers-by, or use as the title of your blog, or write on the fridge for unconvinced parents and/or siblings to see?
Well, Bring back Tegomasu, I guess? ;)  

3. Their debut single featured the keyed fiddle (nyckelharpa) and a classic 'dansband/schlager' sound. Just how 'Swedish' are Tegomass? Could Sweden be considered their second homeland?
Haha, of course? ;) I got the impression that they fell in love with Sweden, and Sweden really like them, so of course it could be considered their second homeland!

4. If you could send a message to Tegomass, what would you say?´
Please come back! We really miss you guys, and would love to see you here again!

5. Did you go to the 2006 Misou Soup release in Stockholm?
Yes. My sister brought me with her to the event. I had no idea of who Tegomasu were or aything, but after that event I started to listen to them!

6. Which is your favourite Tegomass song? Why?
Ai ai Gaza I think. I just like it.

7. Favourite Tegomass video?
Ai ai gaza. ^_^  

8. Describe your dream 2009 Tegomass Swedish Fan Event. Where/what would they perform? Would there be handshaking? Dancing? Confetti? Let your imagination run wild! :D
Of course handshaking! ^^ And a couple of more songs to be sung! Whatever the songs might be, I will still be happy to here them. I would like them to preform on a bigger stage and do some dancing? :)


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